Orlando Child Support Helps with All Issues

Dedicated to your child’s best interests

During divorce and afterward, custody and child support issues often arise that require legal help. Whether a child’s need for medical care increases or income situations change, you want what is best for your child. The Law Offices of Michael R. De Canio can help you deal with child support issues, whether they are part of the initial divorce or later modifications. An experienced family law attorney in Orlando can serve your child’s best interests and also protect your rights as a parent.

How child support works in Florida

Florida operates under the Unified Family Court, which is a court system that hears all family law matters. Family Court judges follow established support guidelines but also have the discretion to lower or raise support payments as necessary, such as when a child with a medical condition requires more extensive care than the norm.

Family law attorneys in Orlando calculate support payments based on Florida statutes. The minimum child support needs are part of the calculation and are based on a standard needs table. The table includes estimates for needs such as—

  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Shelter
  • Education

The total net income of both parents is calculated. For example, a parent who produces 70 percent of the total net income must provide a greater percentage of child support than a parent who produces 30 percent of the total net income. Neither parent has the right to refuse to pay child support. However, the custodial parent with whom the child resides is not required to submit child support payments.

Health Insurance and Child Support

Health insurance is also calculated into child support and may depend on which parent carries insurance coverage and the type of coverage offered. The court ensures that support payments include money for the child’s medical, dental, and prescription medication costs. Depending on how the insurance is set up and whether it is reasonable, one parent may reimburse the other or have to pay for costs not covered by the policy.

In addition to the three main items of income, minimum needs, and healthcare expenses, an Orlando family law attorney can also calculate child care costs into support payments.

Consult a child support lawyer in Orlando

Family law lawyers in Orlando can prove invaluable for helping you resolve your issues. Contact the Law Offices of Michael R. De Canio today for an initial consultation.

MRD Family Law | Divorce

If you need help resolving a family law dispute while protecting your family's physical, financial and emotional well-being, contact the Law Office of Michael R. De Canio today for an initial consultation.

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